
Need to Know Stats in 2020

/ By Jarod Clark

You don’t know where your website stands in the mix unless you have a handle on these statistics gathered by industry leaders. 

  • There are approximately 1.94 billion active websites in the world and 4.4 billion internet users worldwide. (Techjury.net)
  • 84% of people will not make an ecommerce purchase if the site is unsecured. (Blue Corona) 
  • Worldwide retail ecommerce sales will reach $4.5 trillion by 2021. (Shopify Plus) 
  • 52% of web traffic worldwide is mobile. (Statista) 
  • Google drives 96% of mobile search traffic. (Jody Nimetz Co.) 
  • A non-responsive site is a back button magnet. (blog.sagipl.com)
  • Users typically make an opinion within .05 seconds after jumping on your website. (Kinesis Inc.)
  • Instagram will reach 112.5 million U.S. users in 2020, a 5.4% increase over 2019, as estimated by eMarketer, which also predicts the network will reach 117.2 million U.S. users in 2021. (eMarketer)
  • Cybercrime is more profitable than the global illegal drug trade. 3. Hackers steal 75 records every second. 66% of businesses attacked by hackers weren't confident they could recover. (Stingtribunal.com)
  • On average 30,000 new websites are hacked every day. These 30 000 sites are usually legitimate small businesses sites, that are unwittingly distributing malware. (Webarxsecurity.com)

Contact UNLEADED.DIGITAL for a review of your website to assess weaknesses and strengths. We will find solutions specific to your concerns.

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